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The landowners are promoting a “Petition” that is asking for people to either vote yes or no regarding a local bill presented by State of Florida Representative Adam Botana. See PDF of Local Petition:   PDF file here.

Referendum Petition.pdf


The January 6, 2025 letter presented to the local delegation of January 9, 2025.  This letter outlines all the reasons why the idea of the City of Bonita Springs taking over the Water District is not a good idea.  See PDF

2025 Jan 6 - Delegation Letter from SCEWCD Water District Chair.pdf


Here is a link to the January 9, 2025 LEE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION MEETING PACKET Thursday, January 9, 2025, 9:00AM – 1:00PM, or Upon Completion of Agenda Room AA-177 (Nursing Building), Florida Southwestern State College.  NOTE: The first 10 minutes is about the Water District and also the Ft. Myers Beach Mosquito District that Representative Adam Botana wishes to merge with Lee County.  This is the second time he is trying to dissolve the Ft. Myers Beach Mosquito District.  Here is the Link to the Video

January 9, 2025 Local Delegation Video


·         Here is the local delegation documentation presented at the meeting which includes not only the dissolution of Ft. Myers Beach Mosquito Control and the transfer of power to Lee County  as well as the transfer of power of SCEWCD to the City of Bonita Springs but the creation of a new special  District in North Fort Myers to help a land developer.

 3. Special Act creating Duke Farm Stewardship District

A bill to be entitled: An act relating to Lee County; creating the Duke Farm Stewardship District; providing a short title, legislative findings and intent, and definitions; establishing compliance with minimum requirements for creation of an independent special district; providing for creation and establishment of the district; establishing the legal boundaries of the district; providing for the jurisdiction and charter of the district; providing for a governing board; providing for membership, election, and terms of office; providing for meetings; providing administrative duties of the board; providing a method for transition of the board from landowner control to control by the resident electors of the district; providing for a district manager and district employees; providing for a district treasurer, selection of a public depository, and district budgets and financial reports; providing for disclosure of public information; providing the general powers of the district; providing the special powers of the district to plan, finance, and provide community infrastructure and services within the district; providing for bonds; providing for borrowing; providing for trust agreements; providing for future ad valorem taxation; providing for special assessments; providing for issuance of certificates of indebtedness; providing for tax liens; providing for competitive procurement; providing for fees and charges; providing requirements for termination, contraction, or expansion of the district; authorizing mergers; providing for required notices to purchasers of residential units within the district; specifying that certain district property is public; providing construction; providing severability; providing for a referendum; providing effective dates. 

o   See PDF :



History of Events Leading up to January 9th, 2025 at 9 AM regarding a local Bill presentation by FL Rep. Botana to the Delegation Meeting that was held in Fort Myers at Florida Southwestern State College, 8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers, 33919, in the Nursing Building, Room AA-177.

History of the events Leading up to SCEWCD learning about the Local Bill.pdf


Agenda summary for Bonita Springs council: Discussion on San Carlos Estates Water Control draft bill, includes public meeting info.